Saturday, November 6, 2010

Interesting Health Facts

I had a difficult time trying to hone in on one topic and decided to make a conglomeration of facts that I find extremely relevant and generally unknown or unsaid by the western medical community. Enjoy.

  • 97% of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) occurs after a vaccination
  • Cigarrette smoke, from anyone in the household, negates the effects of breast feeding
  • Celery is one of the best foods to help reduce blood pressure
  • There have been 15 cases of tetanus since 2004
  • Applying ice to an injury, especially a chronic injury, will worsen the injury and increase one's risk for further damage (arthritis, tendonitis, etc) to the area
  • Applying ice to plantar fasciitis, decreases one's fertility and increases menstrual disorders such as cramping and painful menses
  • Cancer is only 10% hereditary (if that)
  • Eggs do NOT increase cholesterol (organic, free range)
  • One of the best therapies for Cancer patients is qi gong
  • Supplementing with over 1,200mg of calcium per day increases one's risk for heart disease
  • Cold foods such as ice cream, cold/ice water, over consumption of raw foods, interferes with and slows digestion, decreases vitamin/mineral absorption and may cause bloating, fatigue, loose stools or constipation
  • Meditation increases the body's immune system
  • Deep, belly breathing decreases anxiety and helps during acute attacks
  • Miso soup decreases breast cancer by up to 50%
  • Potatoes should be avoided by arthritic patients as they tend to agitate symptoms, however, yams are an excellent remedy for arthritis
  • The United States got 2x heavier during the low-fat craze
  • Since Bush's "No Child Left Behind" act, physical education and other school exercise programs and extra-curricular activities have been cut due to lack of finances and with the chief goal of improving test grades on one particular test. Many areas of the country have threatened teacher salaries proclaiming that if students don't score high enough on this test, their salary will be cut. Also,teachers have been forced to "teach the test" and shy away from their individual, creative teaching styles. The test includes lofty goals that underprivileged and minority populations are unlikely to achieve. If schools do not achieve a certain test score, their funding will be cut. This test is targeted for wealthy, Caucasian students these school's will continue to receive more money while less privileged one's will continue to get discriminated against and lose money.
  • In fact, global warming does exist, if you don't believe it, look out the window

*I am required to state that one should not start a new exercise program, diet, lifestyle, herbal remedy without first consulting with a medical physician. I am not accountable for your health.

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