All disease is a result of inflammation in the body. Arthritis-inflammation of the joints, atherosclerosis- inflammation of the arteries, Alzheimer's inflammation in the brain, cancer inflammation to a specific area or system in the body, crohn's- inflammation of the intestines, MS- inflammation to the myelin fibers etc. Eating can be an extremely empowering act. When we reform the way we eat, we can change the status of our health and well being; we can change our health simply by choosing what we put into our mouths, it only requires grocery's, education and the will to change.
The Standard American Diet, or the SAD diet, is just that, sad! In fact eating the typical SAD diet has been proven to increase rates of depression along with a host of hundreds of other mental and physical pathological disorders. The SAD is high in omega-6 fatty acids (when eaten in less than a 4:1 ratio with omega-3 fatty acids increases inflammation), low in omega-3 fatty acids (healthy fats that decrease inflammation), high in trans fatty acids, saturated fat, sugar, processed ingredients, dyes, MSG, corn, wheat, soy, dairy and thousands of additives that we cannot pronounce or that have been invented for the sole purpose to addict people to food! Yes, our government is sick and they are making us sick in the meantime! (This information is readily documented some sources include the book Fast Food Nation or any book by Michael Pollen or watch the documentary Super Size Me. If you'd like more sources, please ask and I can provide you with such information).
One might ask what's wrong with corn, wheat, soy and dairy? The big three (corn, wheat and soy) are inexpensive, conventional crops that the government subsidizes. They are sprayed with pesticides, herbicides and chemicals to prevent them from bug infestation and they're not just sprayed a little here and there, they are heavily sprayed. Then these foods are added into other foods along with the dyes, inflammatory fats and so on and into our mouths they go. Dairy cows are fed diets high in grains and omega-6 fatty acids. They cannot digest grains so they commonly get infections, have stomach problems and are given anti-biotics from illness from their diet or from sore nipple inflammation due to over milking. It's a vicious cycle that has become part of our social norm. Go to a picnic or social gathering and your likely to have jell-o pudding, hot dogs, pork, burgers, bbq, macaroni salad etc and I will guarantee you that all of the ingredients will contain corn, wheat, soy and dairy. These four foods make up over 70% of the SAD, and this isn't counting sugar. This lifestyle is pro-inflammatory, pro-disease and has become the norm. We have to start changing what we eat so we can change the health and well being of our society.
The anti-inflammatory diet emphasizes whole, plant based foods with healthy protein sources such as cold water fish, eggs, small amounts of red meat, and organic non GMO soy foods such as tempeh and tofu. This diet is targeted at reducing the foods that are pro-inflammatory, reduce the instance of disease and encourage health. It emphasizes buying organic foods, yet if these are not available to you than choose conventional foods until you can transition to organic. Unfortunately, organic foods are not subsidized by our government, therefore they tend to cost slightly more than conventional foods. However, if we reduce our intake of pop/soda, packaged foods, fast foods, eating out, and purchasing things such as fancy cars, televisions, fancy clothing, alcohol and cigarettes, you will have more money to contribute to enhancing your health via diet.
I want to emphasize that this should be called a lifestyle versus a diet. A diet tends to be short term and actually really harmful to your health. Diets tend to be depriving and help one lost weight in the short term only to soon gain it back plus additional weight in the long run; they also tend to emphasize really unhealthy foods and "light" foods that have been processed, and contain additives and ingredients that are damaging to health. The anti-inflammatory lifestyle is a way of life. It emphasizes purchasing and consuming foods that have medicinal and life enhancing properties. Below I have listed the basics of the anti-inflammatory lifestyle with some educational information as well. I hope that this post has been empowering and helpful. If you have any further inquiries or specific questions or health issues regarding this topic, please feel free to ask.
Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle
Be sure to include a protein source with every meal as this is crucial to regulating blood sugar and maintaining energy to avoid the "crash" 1-2 hours after meals. We tend to be protein crazy in our society. No need for large steaks or cuts of meat at every meal. One serving of meat every 2-3 days is healthy and extremely important to help maintain iron levels as to not become anemic. Anemia is common in vegans and non-meat eaters and can lead to neurological conditions, blood sugar imbalances, poor mental function and decreased memory. Choose grass-fed, free range meat, organic if possible. Bison (buffalo) has the highest content of iron of any meat I've found thus far. It is much lower in saturated fat than beef, contains more nutrients and is an excellent way to help cure iron deficiency anemia. Consume 1-2xper week, 1 serving is about the size of your fist. Turkey and organic free range eggs are also healthy choices. Fish can be eaten 1-2x per week but I caution eating fish from the Gulf or Atlantic ocean due to the ongoing BP oil spill.
Healthy Sources:
Sockeye Salmon (also great anemia and low iron levels); high in omega 3 fatty acids which fights inflammation
Alaskan Salmon
Red Snapper
Anchovies (caution in those with high blood pressure as these tend to be very salty)
Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, almond butter
Garbanzo beans, kidney, adzuki, black, pinto, lentils, mung beans
Goat Milk Yogurt 1x per week (top with flaxseeds to fight tumors)
Goat cheese, Sheep cheese in moderation
With our wheat crazy nation I tend to encourage eating grains that are wheat free (more on this topic soon!) Instead, choose grains such as rice, quinoa, millet, oats, amaranth, corn (organic very important). To increase nutrient absorption, nutrient availability and digestion, soak grains for 6-12 hours before eating. If you plan out your meals the night before you can soak grains overnight for the following day or can soak for lunch or dinner upon waking. Eat 2-4 servings per day.
Brown Rice
Quinoa (red or yellow)
Corn (blue or yellow, try to buy organic)
Rice Bread
Once America hit the "no fat" and "low fat" craze everyone began gaining weight and becoming diabetic. This is because they replaced the fats with sugar. Eating fats in a healthy and balanced ratio is extremely important and vital for health and cell membrane production. Increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids is a great way to decrease inflammation in the body. It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of Nordic Naturals Cod Liver oil per day (away from meals that include fish). Fats should be a part of every meal. When baking choose coconut oil. For salads extra virgin olive oil or sesame oil is encouraged, for sauteing at medium temperatures extra virgin olive oil is best and for sauteing at high temperatures (not recommended) grape seed oil can be used. Please purchase organic oils in glass jars. Let me say that again, please purchase organic oils in glass jars! Fats and oils can be very pro-inflammatory if not purchased in this way.
Healthy Oils
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sesame Oil
Coconut Oil
Grapeseed Oil
Ghee (butter with the milk solids removed; balances the hormones and tissues of the body, promotes healing to the GI tract including ulcers and colitis, has anti-viral and anti-cancer properties and is used in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease)
Go crazy with organic vegetables! These are our best weapons against disease and inflammation and when used in abundance with the whole diet your body will thank you. They are high in anti-oxidants, fiber, disease fighting agents, phytochemicals, and nutrients. Again, organic is the gold standard so try your best to seek out organic. Be creative with your veggies, below are some healthy choices:
Brussels Sprouts
(if you have thyroid issues please cook veggies containing goitrogens as they interfere with thyroid function, the first four vegetables are examples of these)
Greens- swiss chard, kale, arugula, spinach, mustard greens, beet greens (it is best to eat cooked greens versus raw especially for those who are anemic)
Sweet Potato
Japanese Potato
It is best to eat fruits from non-tropical regions (for the most part). Fruits are extremely high in anti-oxidants and when eaten in moderation can be an excellent dessert or addition to breakfast. Berries and cherries seem to have some of the highest anti-oxidant properties yet found! Please try to buy organic, especially strawberries which tend to be a very high sprayed crop. Try to avoid dried fruit as they are very high sources of sugar (even if they say sugar free)
Marion berries
Spices and Other
Flaxseeds and hemp seeds are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids and can be sprinkled on top of meals. Flaxseed oil can be purchased and taken as a supplement however, the oil goes rancid quickly and should be consumed within a month. Flaxseeds, flax oil and hemp seeds/oil should be stored in the fridge. Spices can be very medicinal and can add to the synergistic effects of the other enhancing nutrients in meals. Turmeric has been recognized currently as the #1 most powerful anti-inflammatory identified thus far. Please experiment with these herbs and spices as a means to enhance flavor and your health! Bon appetite.
Turmeric- stimulates apoptosis in cancer cells (cell suicide), inhibits angiogenisis (the addition of blood vessels which increases the spread of cancer), enhances the effects of chemotherapy and radiation, decreases inflammation. Best added to meals with black pepper and extra virgin olive oil to bring out all its medicinal properties.
Ginger-Anti-inflammatory, prevents motion sickness, decreases nausea effects from chemo/radiation, anti-parasitic
Black Pepper- protects DNA; please buy organic as conventional black pepper is a highly sprayed crop
Cumin- Digestive tonic, carminitive (helps relieve gas and flatulence)
Garlic- crush to release its healing properties and increase assimilation; anti-bacterial, anti-biotic, reduces carcinogenic effect of burnt meats, promote apoptosis, regulate blood sugar
Cayenne Pepper- Can be used topically for pain relief from arthritis, shingles, neuralgia and pleurisy (check out Dr Christopher's Cayenne Ointment). Reduces platelet aggravation (the formation of heart disease), decreases blood pressure and promotes sweating, improves digestion and circulation. Caution when using the cream start with a small amount as it can be hot until your body adjusts to the ointment.
Sage- Anti-inflammatory, stimulates the immune system, stimulates the adrenals, relieves stress, anti-cancer
Mustard Seeds- Stimulate circulation, treats bronchitis, relieves inflammation especially in joints.
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