Dementia and other degenerative brain diseases tend to have a gradual onset. One major cause of dementia, or memory deterioration, is due to the increase in prescribed medication, particularly in the elderly as this is a common side effect to nearly all prescribed medications. Other causes of brain deterioration include: diets high in saturated fat, animal protein, fried foods, MSG (monosodium glutamate), baking powder containing aluminum (aluminum free baking powder is available in health food stores), alcohol, cigarette and marijuana use, high consumption of tuna or other large fish such as sword fish, shark and king mackerel as they contain high amounts of mercury.
One of the most superior brain foods is fish, particularly fish oil. The most crucial time to introduce fish oil is while your child is in the womb or even better while trying to conceive. Omega-3 fatty acids along with DHA and EPA, also included in fish oils, are key in brain development. It is also important during breast feeding for the mother to take fish oil as it will be transported via breast milk to the infant. As the child weans off of breast milk, it is still important to supplement the child with fish oil. However, not all fish oil is created equally. I've stated before that Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil is far superior to other brands, and this still holds true. All of Nordic Naturals fish oil goes through a strict cleansing that removes any PCB's, mercury, and other environmental toxins from their oils. Other brands do not do this so there is a risk of ingesting mercury and other toxins from these other oils. If your concerned that you won't be able to get your child to swallow cod liver oil, Nordic Naturals sells fish oil that are chewable gummies flavored with real fruit. This is a healthy and easy solution for the child if there is resistance to swallowing a mouth full of oil.
Fish oil decreases inflammation and pain throughout the entire body, especially the brain. It prevents any blockage and/or inflammation in the brain and allows the cerebral fluids to flow unimpeded. As an adult, fish oil is also crucial to prevent inflammation and diseases such as ADHD, dementia and Alzheimer's. The American diet tends to be high in omega-6 oils, these include: soybean oil, corn, meat, dairy, eggs, fowl, safflower oil , margarine etc Omega-6 fatty acids increase inflammation, especially when omega-3's are absent from the diet. By decreasing one's intake of omega-6 fatty acids and adding fish oil to the diet and other omega-3 sources, one can enhance brain health, heart health, decrease inflammation and other degenerative diseases such as cancer.
There are other sources of omega-3 fatty acids that also benefit the brain, especially when used in conjunction with fish oil. These include: Flax seeds (be sure to grind as this releases their omega-3 properties; ungrounded flax seeds tend to be hard on the digestive system and the omega-3 properties aren't released unless ground be sure to refrigerate after grinding), chia seeds, hemp seeds (contain a perfect balance of omega-3:omega-6 fatty acids), wild caught fish such as sockeye salmon, Alaskan salmon, wild Coho Salmon and anchovies. Other foods that increase brain health are: walnuts (shaped like a brain!), green leafy vegetables, purslane (a green that can be added to salads or stir-fry's), cauliflower (also brain shaped), and of course following the anti-inflammatory diet will help with maintaining healthy brain function as well.
One cannot discuss brain health without mentioning the benefits of ginkgo. The ginkgo tree is an ancient tree and is regarded as a "living fossil" and "one of the oldest trees in the world". It is a beautiful representation of yin and yang as there are both male and female trees. A female tree cannot produce seeds unless it is adjacent to a male tree or if part of a male tree is inserted into a female tree. A female tree can further produce seeds if it is planted next to water as it's reflection can initiate reproduction. Ginkgo is said to enhance longevity and vitality as the tree itself can grow to great heights and live for thousands of years even under extreme stress such as Atomic bombings, lightening strike and treacherous storms. It enhances circulation and is known as a brain tonic as it increases cerebral circulation and overall brain health. Ginkgo is also known to benefit the heart, kidney's, spleen, stomach and the lungs. Another herb that enhances cognitive function is gotu kola. Gotu Kola is an Ayuvedic herb that can be easily incorporated into the diet by making a tea with other herbs such as peppermint and rose hips.
CAUTION: I am required to state that: One should consult a physician before taking supplements especially if one is on blood thinners as omega-3's and Ginkgo act as natural, plant-based blood thinners.

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Preventing Heart Disease Part II
The previous posting "Preventing Heart Disease Part I", was a strongly opinionated article on the 21st centuries main cause of death. My goal is not to put fear into the readers rather, it is simply to tell you what our society and health care systems fail to portray to us. The concept of controlling our emotions is paramount to health and wellness and is one that doctors too often dismiss. Instead, they prescribe anti-depressants or anti-anxiety pills to band aid up the emotion. Most non-western doctors such as Naturopaths and Chinese medical doctors, treat the patient primarily from their emotional stance. Unstable emotions cause the "qi" or energy to become trapped in individualized sensitive areas of the body resulting in pain, swelling, rash etc. When we can locate the area of stagnation and open up the constricted area it's like opening a flood gate so the water/energy/emotions can rush through and nourish what is on the other side.
When we engage in heart-mind nourishing activities such as meditation, qi gong, yoga, tai qi, we tap into our hearts and step out of our minds. Circulation improves, mood improves, anxiety and depression decreases. Additionally, parasympathetic tone increases; our parasympathetic nervous system is known as the "rest and digest" system, it slows everything down and allows our bodies to relax. Whereas, the sympathetic nervous system is known as the "fight or flight" system; it is constantly stimulated via the go, go, go mentality that our society has become accustom to. Being in this system on a regular basis increases anxiety, increases heart rate, stops digestion, and severely depletes our kidney/adrenal systems. The kidney/adrenals are like our battery; it is where we pull our energy from and is also where we can replenish our stores via the heart-mind nourishing activities and via proper sleep habits. When we continuously pull energy out of the battery and never restore it, that's when pathology begins to manifest.
Nutritionally, if we want to build and cleanse the arteries we must consider a naturally occurring substance called lecithin. Lecithin is found in the yolk of eggs, all legumes (beans) including yellow and black soy beans. Other beneficial foods for the arteries include: brown rice, radish, horseradish, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, parsley, flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, mushrooms, seaweeds, buckwheat, almonds, hazelnuts, raw honey and all of the foods listed in the previous post and in the anti-inflammatory diet. It is important it be cautious of over consuming pungent foods such as radish, horseradish, raw garlic, cayenne pepper etc as these benefit the heart in moderation. A small amount is quite beneficial to the heart yet too much actually depletes the heart and weakens its function. It is also important to note that too much salty foods harm the heart, so it is important to watch one's sodium intake. Additional foods that are detrimental to the heart include coffee, trans-fatty acids such as partially hydrogenated oils, hydrogenated oils, palm oils, high fat diets, high sugar diets, fast food and fried, greasy foods.
Consuming a diet with an emphasis on vegetables, whole grains, omega-3 rich fish, berries and small amounts of meats while participating in heart-mind exercises is very beneficial for heart health and overall health as well. Balanced and unblocked emotions are the key to opening one's heart and preventing disease. The great ancient Chinese physicians always consider the heart in all disease as they believe that "all diseases come from the heart".
"Only a reductionist science would need to "prove" the ridiculously obvious: that our hearts are perceptual organs, crucial to our humanness" -Authors Journal Nov, 2003
When we engage in heart-mind nourishing activities such as meditation, qi gong, yoga, tai qi, we tap into our hearts and step out of our minds. Circulation improves, mood improves, anxiety and depression decreases. Additionally, parasympathetic tone increases; our parasympathetic nervous system is known as the "rest and digest" system, it slows everything down and allows our bodies to relax. Whereas, the sympathetic nervous system is known as the "fight or flight" system; it is constantly stimulated via the go, go, go mentality that our society has become accustom to. Being in this system on a regular basis increases anxiety, increases heart rate, stops digestion, and severely depletes our kidney/adrenal systems. The kidney/adrenals are like our battery; it is where we pull our energy from and is also where we can replenish our stores via the heart-mind nourishing activities and via proper sleep habits. When we continuously pull energy out of the battery and never restore it, that's when pathology begins to manifest.
Nutritionally, if we want to build and cleanse the arteries we must consider a naturally occurring substance called lecithin. Lecithin is found in the yolk of eggs, all legumes (beans) including yellow and black soy beans. Other beneficial foods for the arteries include: brown rice, radish, horseradish, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, parsley, flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, mushrooms, seaweeds, buckwheat, almonds, hazelnuts, raw honey and all of the foods listed in the previous post and in the anti-inflammatory diet. It is important it be cautious of over consuming pungent foods such as radish, horseradish, raw garlic, cayenne pepper etc as these benefit the heart in moderation. A small amount is quite beneficial to the heart yet too much actually depletes the heart and weakens its function. It is also important to note that too much salty foods harm the heart, so it is important to watch one's sodium intake. Additional foods that are detrimental to the heart include coffee, trans-fatty acids such as partially hydrogenated oils, hydrogenated oils, palm oils, high fat diets, high sugar diets, fast food and fried, greasy foods.
Consuming a diet with an emphasis on vegetables, whole grains, omega-3 rich fish, berries and small amounts of meats while participating in heart-mind exercises is very beneficial for heart health and overall health as well. Balanced and unblocked emotions are the key to opening one's heart and preventing disease. The great ancient Chinese physicians always consider the heart in all disease as they believe that "all diseases come from the heart".
"Only a reductionist science would need to "prove" the ridiculously obvious: that our hearts are perceptual organs, crucial to our humanness" -Authors Journal Nov, 2003
Monday, July 26, 2010
Preventing Heart Disease Part I
Currently, heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States for both males and females. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) may have a genetic component, especially if a family member (commonly a first line family member such as a mother or father) has a premature (before age 50-55) heart attack or stroke. Precursors for CVD include: diet, stress level, hypertension, quality of sleep, lifestyle, lack of exercise and dental hygiene including amalgam fillings (mercury capped teeth). Heart disease, even genetically related, can be less threatening, and in many cases, even preventable with proper diet, lifestyle reform and stress management.
I want to be sure to highlight the potentially number one cause of heart disease-we hear so much about "heart healthy" foods and how they can prevent the silent killer. Yet, an often disguised component to heart disease is that we as westerners live too much in our heads and not in our hearts. Simply put, we live too much in our head brain and not in our heart brain. We are constantly running from one thing to the next, everything is always go, go, go and there is never any down time for our hearts.
To truly lessen the degree of heart disease we quite literally need to start paying attention to our hearts. Stress and emotional instability further causes us to live more in our heads and by doing so we shut off our ability to listen to what are hearts are truly longing for. Eventually, we are forced to slow down when we have acquired heart disease, that is, when the heart has become so shut off from the rest of the body that it now becomes our pathology. However, if we can entrain our mind to our heart we will decrease mental chatter and will live less in our heads and more so in our hearts. This is also a major reason that individuals who are not overweight also have heart disease; above all, emotional stability far outweighs any other preventative method.
So, how does one go about living more in their heart? It can be as simple as taking ten minutes before rising and ten minutes before bed to sit quietly and meditate. Once you get in a steady routine, start increasing the time you spend sitting by 1-5 minutes per week. And just a fore warning to all you meditators out there, don't get frustrated when mental chatter surfaces during your practice. Everyone experiences mental chatter, with the exception to a holy man or an experienced monk. The goal of many meditative practices is to be able to recognize the mental chatter, not get frustrated with it but instead let it pass and refocus on the breath. A great beginning place for meditation is to focus on the breath. Aim for long, relaxed belly breaths with the tongue resting on the back of the front teeth. Another way to get more in tune with our hearts is to find a moving meditative practice such as yoga, qi gong or tai qi.
As far as diet is concerned, the anti-inflammatory diet, outlined in a previous posting, is a great way to prevent heart disease. Some foods that are specific to the heart include:
I want to be sure to highlight the potentially number one cause of heart disease-we hear so much about "heart healthy" foods and how they can prevent the silent killer. Yet, an often disguised component to heart disease is that we as westerners live too much in our heads and not in our hearts. Simply put, we live too much in our head brain and not in our heart brain. We are constantly running from one thing to the next, everything is always go, go, go and there is never any down time for our hearts.
To truly lessen the degree of heart disease we quite literally need to start paying attention to our hearts. Stress and emotional instability further causes us to live more in our heads and by doing so we shut off our ability to listen to what are hearts are truly longing for. Eventually, we are forced to slow down when we have acquired heart disease, that is, when the heart has become so shut off from the rest of the body that it now becomes our pathology. However, if we can entrain our mind to our heart we will decrease mental chatter and will live less in our heads and more so in our hearts. This is also a major reason that individuals who are not overweight also have heart disease; above all, emotional stability far outweighs any other preventative method.
So, how does one go about living more in their heart? It can be as simple as taking ten minutes before rising and ten minutes before bed to sit quietly and meditate. Once you get in a steady routine, start increasing the time you spend sitting by 1-5 minutes per week. And just a fore warning to all you meditators out there, don't get frustrated when mental chatter surfaces during your practice. Everyone experiences mental chatter, with the exception to a holy man or an experienced monk. The goal of many meditative practices is to be able to recognize the mental chatter, not get frustrated with it but instead let it pass and refocus on the breath. A great beginning place for meditation is to focus on the breath. Aim for long, relaxed belly breaths with the tongue resting on the back of the front teeth. Another way to get more in tune with our hearts is to find a moving meditative practice such as yoga, qi gong or tai qi.
As far as diet is concerned, the anti-inflammatory diet, outlined in a previous posting, is a great way to prevent heart disease. Some foods that are specific to the heart include:
- Hawthorne berry- must be taken daily for at least a month to start having heart healthy effects; sold in bulk in the herb section and can be made into a tea with mint, also sold in pill form
- Pomegranate- best medicinal qualities are found in the whole fruit, many people drink the juice- however, the juice has far too much sugar and will not have the same preventative effects as the fruit
- Onions, garlic, leeks-all members of the allium family, high in antioxidants and have the special quality of thinning the blood; they decrease the instance of clot formation and decrease cholesterol levels as well
- Omega-3 fatty acids-also decrease clot formation, naturally thin the blood, important for brain function especially in the developing fetus and brain health for adults; Nordic Naturals sells the best quality fish oil specifically cod liver oil lemon flavor (lemon naturally preserves the oil) which should be refrigerated upon buying
- Celery-the number one food for preventing and curing high blood pressure
- Avoiding chlorinated water- this includes drinking, bathing and unfortunately swimming in chlorinated pools. Some facilities are starting to offer salt water pools and my last posting includes a very reputable drinking water filter they also offer a shower filter as well that filters out many chemicals including chlorine. Chlorine wrecks havoc on our arterial lining as well as many other systems in the body. We tend to make things too clean these days and by doing so we add chemicals that kill the germs but also are destructive to us as well
- Cayenne Pepper- Adding a small bit of this medicinal pepper to a few meals per week in the summer can be very beneficial to the heart. A friend of a friend of mine was at work and experienced a heart attack a few years back. He conveniently had a bottle of cayenne pepper on his desk and took the entire bottle. When he got to the hospital his blood work came back normal and he suffered zero damage
- Green leafy vegetables-sauteed kale, chard, spinach, arugula contains numerous phytonutrients that contribute to heart health
Friday, July 16, 2010
Reversing Obseity
Obesity is reversible. In fact, all diseases have the potential to be reversible- miracles happen everyday leaving conventional doctors speechless, stunned and baffled. We tend to think of obesity as excess fat. Yet, underneath the accumulation or excess as we would call it in Chinese medicine, there is almost always an emotional expression that is hibernating. The act of eating is joyful, it brings pleasure and is an unconscious means of suppressing emotions that we long to act on.
There are many factors that play into obesity; emotional, poor diet, lack of exercise, depression, sedentary job, sedentary lifestyle, environmental toxins, hypothyroid, fibromyalgia, arthritis, type II diabetes. There is no one cause to obesity just as there is no one cause to disease. There is also no one treatment for any disease, including obesity. Obesity is a process and when treated in a healthy way can take a few to several years to obtain desired results. The greatest assets any one person can have to overcome disease and obesity is persistence, positivity and will.
We can reverse obesity by reforming our lifestyle, including diet, physical activity, stress management, and via learning how to express and detoxify emotional baggage. We are taught in the west to suppress emotions; joy is the only accepted emotional state. We tell people, don't cry, don't be angry, don't worry, if you're depressed take Zoloft (pharmaceutical drug for depression) and we cram these emotions deeper down into our beings. All diseases come from the heart and it starts with the emotions. It is accepted in non-western cultures to express every emotion, in a healthy state -if you're angry don't injure someone, don't yell at your spouse, but go into a room and yell or hit your pillow. Anger in Chinese medicine is the most harmful emotion and is fueled by fear; it is also associated with wind. So, when you are angry, don't suppress or hurt anyone, but allow yourself to healthfully let off some steam, quite literally- let the wind out.
Obesity is a process, it is a shedding of layers (as is all disease). But when we start detoxing the root causes and factors that play into obesity, the weight, suppressed emotions, fatigue and lack of self worth all begin to be released. We need to begin my shedding external toxins that contribute to illness and obesity such as: caffeine, cigarette smoke, heavy metals, air and water pollutants, cosmetics (buy organic), household cleaning products (buy 7th generation of make your own), pesticides and herbicides, pharmaceuticals and preservatives. The latest research has shown that there are over 80,000 synthetic chemicals registered for use in the United States!!! The centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reports that display hundred's of these chemicals that reside within our bodies. It is proven that chemicals such as those listed above, can disrupt and interfere with our immune, endocrine, nervous and reproductive systems. To combat disease and obesity we must eliminate these synthetic materials that set the terrain up for disease.
Unfortunately, fad dieting doesn't touch these underlying issues. We are always looking for a magic pill or drink etc to help us get better or lose weight without doing any work. Staying healthy and reversing disease is very possible, but it requires a keen attention to detail, motivation and you must work at your health to gain results. If you are not healthy, than what else truly matters?
Here are some tips on how to lose weight in a healthy manner:
There are many factors that play into obesity; emotional, poor diet, lack of exercise, depression, sedentary job, sedentary lifestyle, environmental toxins, hypothyroid, fibromyalgia, arthritis, type II diabetes. There is no one cause to obesity just as there is no one cause to disease. There is also no one treatment for any disease, including obesity. Obesity is a process and when treated in a healthy way can take a few to several years to obtain desired results. The greatest assets any one person can have to overcome disease and obesity is persistence, positivity and will.
We can reverse obesity by reforming our lifestyle, including diet, physical activity, stress management, and via learning how to express and detoxify emotional baggage. We are taught in the west to suppress emotions; joy is the only accepted emotional state. We tell people, don't cry, don't be angry, don't worry, if you're depressed take Zoloft (pharmaceutical drug for depression) and we cram these emotions deeper down into our beings. All diseases come from the heart and it starts with the emotions. It is accepted in non-western cultures to express every emotion, in a healthy state -if you're angry don't injure someone, don't yell at your spouse, but go into a room and yell or hit your pillow. Anger in Chinese medicine is the most harmful emotion and is fueled by fear; it is also associated with wind. So, when you are angry, don't suppress or hurt anyone, but allow yourself to healthfully let off some steam, quite literally- let the wind out.
Obesity is a process, it is a shedding of layers (as is all disease). But when we start detoxing the root causes and factors that play into obesity, the weight, suppressed emotions, fatigue and lack of self worth all begin to be released. We need to begin my shedding external toxins that contribute to illness and obesity such as: caffeine, cigarette smoke, heavy metals, air and water pollutants, cosmetics (buy organic), household cleaning products (buy 7th generation of make your own), pesticides and herbicides, pharmaceuticals and preservatives. The latest research has shown that there are over 80,000 synthetic chemicals registered for use in the United States!!! The centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reports that display hundred's of these chemicals that reside within our bodies. It is proven that chemicals such as those listed above, can disrupt and interfere with our immune, endocrine, nervous and reproductive systems. To combat disease and obesity we must eliminate these synthetic materials that set the terrain up for disease.
Unfortunately, fad dieting doesn't touch these underlying issues. We are always looking for a magic pill or drink etc to help us get better or lose weight without doing any work. Staying healthy and reversing disease is very possible, but it requires a keen attention to detail, motivation and you must work at your health to gain results. If you are not healthy, than what else truly matters?
Here are some tips on how to lose weight in a healthy manner:
- Avoid processed foods
- Eat organic fruits and vegetables
- Decrease the number of times you eat out
- Eliminate coffee, alcohol and impure water (buy a water filter best one on the market: premium 10 stage water filter by enviro products
- Eat meats that are free range, organic when possible
- Eliminate soda
- Eliminate fast food
- Decrease charbroiling and grilling
- Eliminate artificial sweeteners (use honey, agave, maple syrup or stevia instead)
- Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, however, one should eat twice as many vegetables as fruits
- Eat brown rice, wild rice or lentils as your sole grain intake 1/2 cup = serving size. It is recommended to eat lentils over brown rice as they have a higher protein content and less carbohydrates than brown rice
- 2-4 servings of protein per day, 1-2 servings being fish from cold water sources such as sockeye salmon, cod, mackerel, red snapper; if you're anemic or of menstruating age 1-2 servings of free range bison per week is permitted and encouraged
- Drink fresh vegetable juices. If you have a juicer or are up for purchasing one, this can be key to your weight loss as it encourages elimination and provides vital minerals and nutrients to your system
- Use only extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, flax oil (not for cooking only for salad dressings, or 2-3 Tbs can be taken per day, store in fridge), grape seed oil or cod liver oil (take 1 tsp per day)
- Avoid alcohol, caffeine, tobacco or other stimulants; nuts, seeds, dairy, processed or refined foods, grains except wild or brown rice
- Drink juices and/or shakes throughout the day if hunger comes on. Shakes can be made with hemp or rice milk, berries, vegetable juices from your juicer and hemp protein or organic whey protein can be added if you are not allergic to dairy. I encourage the addition of chlorophyll or spirulina 1/4 tsp per shake (can be taken 2x per day) to increase intake of healthy minerals
- DO NOT START ANY WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM WITHOUT FIRST CONSULTING A PHYSICIAN (if you need help finding a reliable, supportive physician please contact me and I can help you do so)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Anti-Inflammatory Recipes with Turmeric
Mexican Beans
This dish is a great side dish to a Mexican meal, it is also great on top of rice and Mexican spiced vegetables and/or meat/fish/tofu. Black beans benefit the kidneys and reproductive function, they're also great for the blood and yin fluids. Pinto beans are an excellent source of calcium and both legumes (beans) are an excellent source of fiber. Chili powder contains a powerful substance called capsaicin which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, decreases pain, improves circulation, benefits the cardiovascular system, benefits the prostate, clears congestion and helps balance blood sugars. Turmeric is the number one anti-inflammatory herb thus far, remember it must be added to oil such as extra virgin olive oil and black pepper to be absorbed in the gut. Pepper increases the body's absorption of turmeric by two thousand!!
1 Can Black Beans (or you can soak 1 Cup black beans over night, and cook the next day)
1 Can Refried Pinto or Black Beans
1/2 Medium Red Onion
2-5 Cloves of Garlic
2 tsp Cumin
1-2 tsp Turmeric
2 tsp Oregano
1/2 tsp Chili Powder
2 TBS Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp Black Pepper
Pinch of Sea Salt
1 Handful Cilantro
Pour olive oil in a medium sized pot and heat on medium heat. Dice onions and place in pot and cook for 5-10 minutes. When onions are translucent, pour in your beans, be sure to leave a little of the liquid from the black beans to add in as well. Add in your spices and place on low-medium heat. Stir regularly to avoid sticking to the bottom of your pot. Let cook for 10-15 minutes. About 2-3 minutes before you remove beans from stove, add in your minced/crushed garlic. Garnish with chopped cilantro. Serves 4.
Scrambled Eggs (or Tofu/Tempeh!)
Chicken eggs build the blood and the yin of the body. They have an ascending action and therefore are beneficial in cases of diarrhea and for preventing miscarriage. They are also beneficial for anemia, those with a dry, thin constitution, and benefit dry eyes, throat and lungs. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein for those who are deficient in protein. Contrary to popular belief, eggs, particularly the yolk, is a healthy source of fats, cholesterol and nutrients. Actually, eggs contain a substance that acts as an anti-cholesterol agent therefore blocking the absorption of harmful cholesterol into our bodies. Be sure to cook eggs slowly to not damage the health properties they contain. Try to buy local, organic, free range eggs from your farmers market. Commercial eggs, even many organic brands shave their chickens beaks, and use starvation to promote molting. Local farmers tend to treat their chicks humanely and most include omega-3's in their diet and allow them to roam freely.
4 eggs (or 1-2 cups tofu/tempeh)
Handful of Greens (spinach, arugula, kale, chard)
1/2 Cup Onions
1 tsp Black Pepper
1/2 tsp Turmeric
Pinch Sea Salt
Handful Parsley
1 1/2 TBS Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Gently beat the eggs in a bowl. Heat your skillet on medium-low (about 4) and add in olive oil. When skillet is warm add in onions and let cook 5-7 minutes then add in greens and cook until greens are almost fully cooked (about 1 minute). Add in eggs, pepper, turmeric and sea salt. Cook until eggs are done to your liking. Garnish with parsley. Serves 2.
Lentils benefit the heart, circulation and the kidney/adrenals. They promote cellular regeneration, aid physical growth and are healthy for the colon. They also help regulate blood pressure, blood sugar levels, decrease stress and balance the hormones. Red lentils have an additional benefit of nourishing the blood.
1 cup Red Lentils
1/2 tsp Turmeric
3+ tsp Fresh Ginger
1 tsp Cumin
3-4 Cloves Garlic
1 Medium Onion
2 Bay Leaf
2 TBS of the following seeds- fenugreek, anise, cumin, mustard
2 TBS Ghee (olive oil will also work)
Sea Salt to taste
Soak red lentils overnight. When ready to prepare, drain and cook lentils with turmeric and sea salt, cook on medium heat. Add 1/2 of the ground cumin and ginger when lentils come to boil. Remove when lentils are soft and water is mostly absorbed (adjust water amount as needed to prevent lentils from drying out while cooking). In a separate pan, heat ghee on medium heat. Add mixed spices (all the seeds) and cook until seeds crackle. Then add bay leaf and the remaining ginger. Fry for 2 minutes then combine with lentils. Remove bay leaves and serve over rice. Serves 4.
Balti Fish Curry
2lb Thick Fish Fillets (cod, red snapper, haddock) rinse and cut into large chunks
2 Bay Leaves, torn
2/3 Cup of Ghee or Extra Virgin Olive Oil (or blend the two)
2 Large Onions Chopped
1/2 TBS Sea Salt
2/3 Cup Water
2 Handfuls Fresh Cilantro
1/2 TBS Garlic and Ginger Paste (mince mix together to make paste)
1 tsp Ground Coriander
1 tsp Ground Cumin
1/2 tsp Ground Turmeric
1/4-1/2 tsp Chili Powder
Pinch Sea Salt
1 TBS water
Prepare the marinade ahead of time (30 minutes-4 hours before the meal) by mixing the garlic and ginger paste, coriander, cumin, turmeric and chili powder together with sea salt in a large bowl. Gradually, stir in the water to form a thin paste. Add and cover the fish chunks with the marinade. Tuck the bay leaves underneath, cover and place in fridge.
When you're ready to cook the fish take out of fridge and let sit for 15 minutes before hand. Melt ghee in large skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and a pinch of sea salt cook and stir frequently for about 8-10 minutes. Slowly add the fish and bay leaves to the pan and stir in the water. Bring to a boil then immediately lower the heat and cook for 4-5 minutes. Occasionally, stir the sauce and spread over the fish to make sure all the fish gets equally cooked. When fish begins to flake, remove from heat, remove bay leaves and serve. Garnish with cilantro. Caution to not brown the onions in this dish! If desired you can eat over rice.
This dish is a great side dish to a Mexican meal, it is also great on top of rice and Mexican spiced vegetables and/or meat/fish/tofu. Black beans benefit the kidneys and reproductive function, they're also great for the blood and yin fluids. Pinto beans are an excellent source of calcium and both legumes (beans) are an excellent source of fiber. Chili powder contains a powerful substance called capsaicin which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, decreases pain, improves circulation, benefits the cardiovascular system, benefits the prostate, clears congestion and helps balance blood sugars. Turmeric is the number one anti-inflammatory herb thus far, remember it must be added to oil such as extra virgin olive oil and black pepper to be absorbed in the gut. Pepper increases the body's absorption of turmeric by two thousand!!
1 Can Black Beans (or you can soak 1 Cup black beans over night, and cook the next day)
1 Can Refried Pinto or Black Beans
1/2 Medium Red Onion
2-5 Cloves of Garlic
2 tsp Cumin
1-2 tsp Turmeric
2 tsp Oregano
1/2 tsp Chili Powder
2 TBS Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp Black Pepper
Pinch of Sea Salt
1 Handful Cilantro
Pour olive oil in a medium sized pot and heat on medium heat. Dice onions and place in pot and cook for 5-10 minutes. When onions are translucent, pour in your beans, be sure to leave a little of the liquid from the black beans to add in as well. Add in your spices and place on low-medium heat. Stir regularly to avoid sticking to the bottom of your pot. Let cook for 10-15 minutes. About 2-3 minutes before you remove beans from stove, add in your minced/crushed garlic. Garnish with chopped cilantro. Serves 4.
Scrambled Eggs (or Tofu/Tempeh!)
Chicken eggs build the blood and the yin of the body. They have an ascending action and therefore are beneficial in cases of diarrhea and for preventing miscarriage. They are also beneficial for anemia, those with a dry, thin constitution, and benefit dry eyes, throat and lungs. Eggs are one of the best sources of protein for those who are deficient in protein. Contrary to popular belief, eggs, particularly the yolk, is a healthy source of fats, cholesterol and nutrients. Actually, eggs contain a substance that acts as an anti-cholesterol agent therefore blocking the absorption of harmful cholesterol into our bodies. Be sure to cook eggs slowly to not damage the health properties they contain. Try to buy local, organic, free range eggs from your farmers market. Commercial eggs, even many organic brands shave their chickens beaks, and use starvation to promote molting. Local farmers tend to treat their chicks humanely and most include omega-3's in their diet and allow them to roam freely.
4 eggs (or 1-2 cups tofu/tempeh)
Handful of Greens (spinach, arugula, kale, chard)
1/2 Cup Onions
1 tsp Black Pepper
1/2 tsp Turmeric
Pinch Sea Salt
Handful Parsley
1 1/2 TBS Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Gently beat the eggs in a bowl. Heat your skillet on medium-low (about 4) and add in olive oil. When skillet is warm add in onions and let cook 5-7 minutes then add in greens and cook until greens are almost fully cooked (about 1 minute). Add in eggs, pepper, turmeric and sea salt. Cook until eggs are done to your liking. Garnish with parsley. Serves 2.
Lentils benefit the heart, circulation and the kidney/adrenals. They promote cellular regeneration, aid physical growth and are healthy for the colon. They also help regulate blood pressure, blood sugar levels, decrease stress and balance the hormones. Red lentils have an additional benefit of nourishing the blood.
1 cup Red Lentils
1/2 tsp Turmeric
3+ tsp Fresh Ginger
1 tsp Cumin
3-4 Cloves Garlic
1 Medium Onion
2 Bay Leaf
2 TBS of the following seeds- fenugreek, anise, cumin, mustard
2 TBS Ghee (olive oil will also work)
Sea Salt to taste
Soak red lentils overnight. When ready to prepare, drain and cook lentils with turmeric and sea salt, cook on medium heat. Add 1/2 of the ground cumin and ginger when lentils come to boil. Remove when lentils are soft and water is mostly absorbed (adjust water amount as needed to prevent lentils from drying out while cooking). In a separate pan, heat ghee on medium heat. Add mixed spices (all the seeds) and cook until seeds crackle. Then add bay leaf and the remaining ginger. Fry for 2 minutes then combine with lentils. Remove bay leaves and serve over rice. Serves 4.
Balti Fish Curry
2lb Thick Fish Fillets (cod, red snapper, haddock) rinse and cut into large chunks
2 Bay Leaves, torn
2/3 Cup of Ghee or Extra Virgin Olive Oil (or blend the two)
2 Large Onions Chopped
1/2 TBS Sea Salt
2/3 Cup Water
2 Handfuls Fresh Cilantro
1/2 TBS Garlic and Ginger Paste (mince mix together to make paste)
1 tsp Ground Coriander
1 tsp Ground Cumin
1/2 tsp Ground Turmeric
1/4-1/2 tsp Chili Powder
Pinch Sea Salt
1 TBS water
Prepare the marinade ahead of time (30 minutes-4 hours before the meal) by mixing the garlic and ginger paste, coriander, cumin, turmeric and chili powder together with sea salt in a large bowl. Gradually, stir in the water to form a thin paste. Add and cover the fish chunks with the marinade. Tuck the bay leaves underneath, cover and place in fridge.
When you're ready to cook the fish take out of fridge and let sit for 15 minutes before hand. Melt ghee in large skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and a pinch of sea salt cook and stir frequently for about 8-10 minutes. Slowly add the fish and bay leaves to the pan and stir in the water. Bring to a boil then immediately lower the heat and cook for 4-5 minutes. Occasionally, stir the sauce and spread over the fish to make sure all the fish gets equally cooked. When fish begins to flake, remove from heat, remove bay leaves and serve. Garnish with cilantro. Caution to not brown the onions in this dish! If desired you can eat over rice.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Anti-Inflammatory Recipe-Pea Soup
This soup is great for summer time! It includes mint which is cooling and is a great remedy to aid digestion and heal an inflamed gut/stomach. Some studies also suggest that mint has anti-cancer properties. Peas have a sweet flavor and therefore benefit the Spleen/Stomach while decreasing the effects of an overactive liver (anger, headache, eye pain, pain on the side of the ribs, fatigue, loose stool alternating with constipation); Peas also harmonize Stomach qi by helping to relieve rebellious Stomach qi-hiccups, belching, coughing, they also treat constipation. This is a simple and nourishing recipe, enjoy!
2 Bags Frozen Organic Peas
1 Medium Onion
2-3 TBS Ghee (you can substitute extra virgin olive oil if you prefer)
1 Handful of Fresh Mint
2 Cups Vegetable Stock
1/2-1 tsp Black Pepper
Pinch of Sea Salt
Set out peas to thaw. Heat stove to medium and add ghee to your frying pan. Dice the onion and add it along with sea salt and pepper to pan, let cook for 7-10minutes. Add 1 1/2 bag of peas, fresh mint and veggie stock-add in just enough veggie stock so it covers the peas. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat and place in blender. Quickly blend so soup has a slightly chunky consistency. Remove from blender and add in remaining 1/2 bag of peas. Place back on the stove and heat for 1-2 more minutes. Serves 4.
2 Bags Frozen Organic Peas
1 Medium Onion
2-3 TBS Ghee (you can substitute extra virgin olive oil if you prefer)
1 Handful of Fresh Mint
2 Cups Vegetable Stock
1/2-1 tsp Black Pepper
Pinch of Sea Salt
Set out peas to thaw. Heat stove to medium and add ghee to your frying pan. Dice the onion and add it along with sea salt and pepper to pan, let cook for 7-10minutes. Add 1 1/2 bag of peas, fresh mint and veggie stock-add in just enough veggie stock so it covers the peas. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat and place in blender. Quickly blend so soup has a slightly chunky consistency. Remove from blender and add in remaining 1/2 bag of peas. Place back on the stove and heat for 1-2 more minutes. Serves 4.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
All disease is a result of inflammation in the body. Arthritis-inflammation of the joints, atherosclerosis- inflammation of the arteries, Alzheimer's inflammation in the brain, cancer inflammation to a specific area or system in the body, crohn's- inflammation of the intestines, MS- inflammation to the myelin fibers etc. Eating can be an extremely empowering act. When we reform the way we eat, we can change the status of our health and well being; we can change our health simply by choosing what we put into our mouths, it only requires grocery's, education and the will to change.
The Standard American Diet, or the SAD diet, is just that, sad! In fact eating the typical SAD diet has been proven to increase rates of depression along with a host of hundreds of other mental and physical pathological disorders. The SAD is high in omega-6 fatty acids (when eaten in less than a 4:1 ratio with omega-3 fatty acids increases inflammation), low in omega-3 fatty acids (healthy fats that decrease inflammation), high in trans fatty acids, saturated fat, sugar, processed ingredients, dyes, MSG, corn, wheat, soy, dairy and thousands of additives that we cannot pronounce or that have been invented for the sole purpose to addict people to food! Yes, our government is sick and they are making us sick in the meantime! (This information is readily documented some sources include the book Fast Food Nation or any book by Michael Pollen or watch the documentary Super Size Me. If you'd like more sources, please ask and I can provide you with such information).
One might ask what's wrong with corn, wheat, soy and dairy? The big three (corn, wheat and soy) are inexpensive, conventional crops that the government subsidizes. They are sprayed with pesticides, herbicides and chemicals to prevent them from bug infestation and they're not just sprayed a little here and there, they are heavily sprayed. Then these foods are added into other foods along with the dyes, inflammatory fats and so on and into our mouths they go. Dairy cows are fed diets high in grains and omega-6 fatty acids. They cannot digest grains so they commonly get infections, have stomach problems and are given anti-biotics from illness from their diet or from sore nipple inflammation due to over milking. It's a vicious cycle that has become part of our social norm. Go to a picnic or social gathering and your likely to have jell-o pudding, hot dogs, pork, burgers, bbq, macaroni salad etc and I will guarantee you that all of the ingredients will contain corn, wheat, soy and dairy. These four foods make up over 70% of the SAD, and this isn't counting sugar. This lifestyle is pro-inflammatory, pro-disease and has become the norm. We have to start changing what we eat so we can change the health and well being of our society.
The anti-inflammatory diet emphasizes whole, plant based foods with healthy protein sources such as cold water fish, eggs, small amounts of red meat, and organic non GMO soy foods such as tempeh and tofu. This diet is targeted at reducing the foods that are pro-inflammatory, reduce the instance of disease and encourage health. It emphasizes buying organic foods, yet if these are not available to you than choose conventional foods until you can transition to organic. Unfortunately, organic foods are not subsidized by our government, therefore they tend to cost slightly more than conventional foods. However, if we reduce our intake of pop/soda, packaged foods, fast foods, eating out, and purchasing things such as fancy cars, televisions, fancy clothing, alcohol and cigarettes, you will have more money to contribute to enhancing your health via diet.
I want to emphasize that this should be called a lifestyle versus a diet. A diet tends to be short term and actually really harmful to your health. Diets tend to be depriving and help one lost weight in the short term only to soon gain it back plus additional weight in the long run; they also tend to emphasize really unhealthy foods and "light" foods that have been processed, and contain additives and ingredients that are damaging to health. The anti-inflammatory lifestyle is a way of life. It emphasizes purchasing and consuming foods that have medicinal and life enhancing properties. Below I have listed the basics of the anti-inflammatory lifestyle with some educational information as well. I hope that this post has been empowering and helpful. If you have any further inquiries or specific questions or health issues regarding this topic, please feel free to ask.
Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle
Be sure to include a protein source with every meal as this is crucial to regulating blood sugar and maintaining energy to avoid the "crash" 1-2 hours after meals. We tend to be protein crazy in our society. No need for large steaks or cuts of meat at every meal. One serving of meat every 2-3 days is healthy and extremely important to help maintain iron levels as to not become anemic. Anemia is common in vegans and non-meat eaters and can lead to neurological conditions, blood sugar imbalances, poor mental function and decreased memory. Choose grass-fed, free range meat, organic if possible. Bison (buffalo) has the highest content of iron of any meat I've found thus far. It is much lower in saturated fat than beef, contains more nutrients and is an excellent way to help cure iron deficiency anemia. Consume 1-2xper week, 1 serving is about the size of your fist. Turkey and organic free range eggs are also healthy choices. Fish can be eaten 1-2x per week but I caution eating fish from the Gulf or Atlantic ocean due to the ongoing BP oil spill.
Healthy Sources:
Sockeye Salmon (also great anemia and low iron levels); high in omega 3 fatty acids which fights inflammation
Alaskan Salmon
Red Snapper
Anchovies (caution in those with high blood pressure as these tend to be very salty)
Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, almond butter
Garbanzo beans, kidney, adzuki, black, pinto, lentils, mung beans
Goat Milk Yogurt 1x per week (top with flaxseeds to fight tumors)
Goat cheese, Sheep cheese in moderation
With our wheat crazy nation I tend to encourage eating grains that are wheat free (more on this topic soon!) Instead, choose grains such as rice, quinoa, millet, oats, amaranth, corn (organic very important). To increase nutrient absorption, nutrient availability and digestion, soak grains for 6-12 hours before eating. If you plan out your meals the night before you can soak grains overnight for the following day or can soak for lunch or dinner upon waking. Eat 2-4 servings per day.
Brown Rice
Quinoa (red or yellow)
Corn (blue or yellow, try to buy organic)
Rice Bread
Once America hit the "no fat" and "low fat" craze everyone began gaining weight and becoming diabetic. This is because they replaced the fats with sugar. Eating fats in a healthy and balanced ratio is extremely important and vital for health and cell membrane production. Increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids is a great way to decrease inflammation in the body. It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of Nordic Naturals Cod Liver oil per day (away from meals that include fish). Fats should be a part of every meal. When baking choose coconut oil. For salads extra virgin olive oil or sesame oil is encouraged, for sauteing at medium temperatures extra virgin olive oil is best and for sauteing at high temperatures (not recommended) grape seed oil can be used. Please purchase organic oils in glass jars. Let me say that again, please purchase organic oils in glass jars! Fats and oils can be very pro-inflammatory if not purchased in this way.
Healthy Oils
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sesame Oil
Coconut Oil
Grapeseed Oil
Ghee (butter with the milk solids removed; balances the hormones and tissues of the body, promotes healing to the GI tract including ulcers and colitis, has anti-viral and anti-cancer properties and is used in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease)
Go crazy with organic vegetables! These are our best weapons against disease and inflammation and when used in abundance with the whole diet your body will thank you. They are high in anti-oxidants, fiber, disease fighting agents, phytochemicals, and nutrients. Again, organic is the gold standard so try your best to seek out organic. Be creative with your veggies, below are some healthy choices:
Brussels Sprouts
(if you have thyroid issues please cook veggies containing goitrogens as they interfere with thyroid function, the first four vegetables are examples of these)
Greens- swiss chard, kale, arugula, spinach, mustard greens, beet greens (it is best to eat cooked greens versus raw especially for those who are anemic)
Sweet Potato
Japanese Potato
It is best to eat fruits from non-tropical regions (for the most part). Fruits are extremely high in anti-oxidants and when eaten in moderation can be an excellent dessert or addition to breakfast. Berries and cherries seem to have some of the highest anti-oxidant properties yet found! Please try to buy organic, especially strawberries which tend to be a very high sprayed crop. Try to avoid dried fruit as they are very high sources of sugar (even if they say sugar free)
Marion berries
Spices and Other
Flaxseeds and hemp seeds are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids and can be sprinkled on top of meals. Flaxseed oil can be purchased and taken as a supplement however, the oil goes rancid quickly and should be consumed within a month. Flaxseeds, flax oil and hemp seeds/oil should be stored in the fridge. Spices can be very medicinal and can add to the synergistic effects of the other enhancing nutrients in meals. Turmeric has been recognized currently as the #1 most powerful anti-inflammatory identified thus far. Please experiment with these herbs and spices as a means to enhance flavor and your health! Bon appetite.
Turmeric- stimulates apoptosis in cancer cells (cell suicide), inhibits angiogenisis (the addition of blood vessels which increases the spread of cancer), enhances the effects of chemotherapy and radiation, decreases inflammation. Best added to meals with black pepper and extra virgin olive oil to bring out all its medicinal properties.
Ginger-Anti-inflammatory, prevents motion sickness, decreases nausea effects from chemo/radiation, anti-parasitic
Black Pepper- protects DNA; please buy organic as conventional black pepper is a highly sprayed crop
Cumin- Digestive tonic, carminitive (helps relieve gas and flatulence)
Garlic- crush to release its healing properties and increase assimilation; anti-bacterial, anti-biotic, reduces carcinogenic effect of burnt meats, promote apoptosis, regulate blood sugar
Cayenne Pepper- Can be used topically for pain relief from arthritis, shingles, neuralgia and pleurisy (check out Dr Christopher's Cayenne Ointment). Reduces platelet aggravation (the formation of heart disease), decreases blood pressure and promotes sweating, improves digestion and circulation. Caution when using the cream start with a small amount as it can be hot until your body adjusts to the ointment.
Sage- Anti-inflammatory, stimulates the immune system, stimulates the adrenals, relieves stress, anti-cancer
Mustard Seeds- Stimulate circulation, treats bronchitis, relieves inflammation especially in joints.
The Standard American Diet, or the SAD diet, is just that, sad! In fact eating the typical SAD diet has been proven to increase rates of depression along with a host of hundreds of other mental and physical pathological disorders. The SAD is high in omega-6 fatty acids (when eaten in less than a 4:1 ratio with omega-3 fatty acids increases inflammation), low in omega-3 fatty acids (healthy fats that decrease inflammation), high in trans fatty acids, saturated fat, sugar, processed ingredients, dyes, MSG, corn, wheat, soy, dairy and thousands of additives that we cannot pronounce or that have been invented for the sole purpose to addict people to food! Yes, our government is sick and they are making us sick in the meantime! (This information is readily documented some sources include the book Fast Food Nation or any book by Michael Pollen or watch the documentary Super Size Me. If you'd like more sources, please ask and I can provide you with such information).
One might ask what's wrong with corn, wheat, soy and dairy? The big three (corn, wheat and soy) are inexpensive, conventional crops that the government subsidizes. They are sprayed with pesticides, herbicides and chemicals to prevent them from bug infestation and they're not just sprayed a little here and there, they are heavily sprayed. Then these foods are added into other foods along with the dyes, inflammatory fats and so on and into our mouths they go. Dairy cows are fed diets high in grains and omega-6 fatty acids. They cannot digest grains so they commonly get infections, have stomach problems and are given anti-biotics from illness from their diet or from sore nipple inflammation due to over milking. It's a vicious cycle that has become part of our social norm. Go to a picnic or social gathering and your likely to have jell-o pudding, hot dogs, pork, burgers, bbq, macaroni salad etc and I will guarantee you that all of the ingredients will contain corn, wheat, soy and dairy. These four foods make up over 70% of the SAD, and this isn't counting sugar. This lifestyle is pro-inflammatory, pro-disease and has become the norm. We have to start changing what we eat so we can change the health and well being of our society.
The anti-inflammatory diet emphasizes whole, plant based foods with healthy protein sources such as cold water fish, eggs, small amounts of red meat, and organic non GMO soy foods such as tempeh and tofu. This diet is targeted at reducing the foods that are pro-inflammatory, reduce the instance of disease and encourage health. It emphasizes buying organic foods, yet if these are not available to you than choose conventional foods until you can transition to organic. Unfortunately, organic foods are not subsidized by our government, therefore they tend to cost slightly more than conventional foods. However, if we reduce our intake of pop/soda, packaged foods, fast foods, eating out, and purchasing things such as fancy cars, televisions, fancy clothing, alcohol and cigarettes, you will have more money to contribute to enhancing your health via diet.
I want to emphasize that this should be called a lifestyle versus a diet. A diet tends to be short term and actually really harmful to your health. Diets tend to be depriving and help one lost weight in the short term only to soon gain it back plus additional weight in the long run; they also tend to emphasize really unhealthy foods and "light" foods that have been processed, and contain additives and ingredients that are damaging to health. The anti-inflammatory lifestyle is a way of life. It emphasizes purchasing and consuming foods that have medicinal and life enhancing properties. Below I have listed the basics of the anti-inflammatory lifestyle with some educational information as well. I hope that this post has been empowering and helpful. If you have any further inquiries or specific questions or health issues regarding this topic, please feel free to ask.
Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle
Be sure to include a protein source with every meal as this is crucial to regulating blood sugar and maintaining energy to avoid the "crash" 1-2 hours after meals. We tend to be protein crazy in our society. No need for large steaks or cuts of meat at every meal. One serving of meat every 2-3 days is healthy and extremely important to help maintain iron levels as to not become anemic. Anemia is common in vegans and non-meat eaters and can lead to neurological conditions, blood sugar imbalances, poor mental function and decreased memory. Choose grass-fed, free range meat, organic if possible. Bison (buffalo) has the highest content of iron of any meat I've found thus far. It is much lower in saturated fat than beef, contains more nutrients and is an excellent way to help cure iron deficiency anemia. Consume 1-2xper week, 1 serving is about the size of your fist. Turkey and organic free range eggs are also healthy choices. Fish can be eaten 1-2x per week but I caution eating fish from the Gulf or Atlantic ocean due to the ongoing BP oil spill.
Healthy Sources:
Sockeye Salmon (also great anemia and low iron levels); high in omega 3 fatty acids which fights inflammation
Alaskan Salmon
Red Snapper
Anchovies (caution in those with high blood pressure as these tend to be very salty)
Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, almond butter
Garbanzo beans, kidney, adzuki, black, pinto, lentils, mung beans
Goat Milk Yogurt 1x per week (top with flaxseeds to fight tumors)
Goat cheese, Sheep cheese in moderation
With our wheat crazy nation I tend to encourage eating grains that are wheat free (more on this topic soon!) Instead, choose grains such as rice, quinoa, millet, oats, amaranth, corn (organic very important). To increase nutrient absorption, nutrient availability and digestion, soak grains for 6-12 hours before eating. If you plan out your meals the night before you can soak grains overnight for the following day or can soak for lunch or dinner upon waking. Eat 2-4 servings per day.
Brown Rice
Quinoa (red or yellow)
Corn (blue or yellow, try to buy organic)
Rice Bread
Once America hit the "no fat" and "low fat" craze everyone began gaining weight and becoming diabetic. This is because they replaced the fats with sugar. Eating fats in a healthy and balanced ratio is extremely important and vital for health and cell membrane production. Increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids is a great way to decrease inflammation in the body. It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of Nordic Naturals Cod Liver oil per day (away from meals that include fish). Fats should be a part of every meal. When baking choose coconut oil. For salads extra virgin olive oil or sesame oil is encouraged, for sauteing at medium temperatures extra virgin olive oil is best and for sauteing at high temperatures (not recommended) grape seed oil can be used. Please purchase organic oils in glass jars. Let me say that again, please purchase organic oils in glass jars! Fats and oils can be very pro-inflammatory if not purchased in this way.
Healthy Oils
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sesame Oil
Coconut Oil
Grapeseed Oil
Ghee (butter with the milk solids removed; balances the hormones and tissues of the body, promotes healing to the GI tract including ulcers and colitis, has anti-viral and anti-cancer properties and is used in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease)
Go crazy with organic vegetables! These are our best weapons against disease and inflammation and when used in abundance with the whole diet your body will thank you. They are high in anti-oxidants, fiber, disease fighting agents, phytochemicals, and nutrients. Again, organic is the gold standard so try your best to seek out organic. Be creative with your veggies, below are some healthy choices:
Brussels Sprouts
(if you have thyroid issues please cook veggies containing goitrogens as they interfere with thyroid function, the first four vegetables are examples of these)
Greens- swiss chard, kale, arugula, spinach, mustard greens, beet greens (it is best to eat cooked greens versus raw especially for those who are anemic)
Sweet Potato
Japanese Potato
It is best to eat fruits from non-tropical regions (for the most part). Fruits are extremely high in anti-oxidants and when eaten in moderation can be an excellent dessert or addition to breakfast. Berries and cherries seem to have some of the highest anti-oxidant properties yet found! Please try to buy organic, especially strawberries which tend to be a very high sprayed crop. Try to avoid dried fruit as they are very high sources of sugar (even if they say sugar free)
Marion berries
Spices and Other
Flaxseeds and hemp seeds are excellent sources of omega 3 fatty acids and can be sprinkled on top of meals. Flaxseed oil can be purchased and taken as a supplement however, the oil goes rancid quickly and should be consumed within a month. Flaxseeds, flax oil and hemp seeds/oil should be stored in the fridge. Spices can be very medicinal and can add to the synergistic effects of the other enhancing nutrients in meals. Turmeric has been recognized currently as the #1 most powerful anti-inflammatory identified thus far. Please experiment with these herbs and spices as a means to enhance flavor and your health! Bon appetite.
Turmeric- stimulates apoptosis in cancer cells (cell suicide), inhibits angiogenisis (the addition of blood vessels which increases the spread of cancer), enhances the effects of chemotherapy and radiation, decreases inflammation. Best added to meals with black pepper and extra virgin olive oil to bring out all its medicinal properties.
Ginger-Anti-inflammatory, prevents motion sickness, decreases nausea effects from chemo/radiation, anti-parasitic
Black Pepper- protects DNA; please buy organic as conventional black pepper is a highly sprayed crop
Cumin- Digestive tonic, carminitive (helps relieve gas and flatulence)
Garlic- crush to release its healing properties and increase assimilation; anti-bacterial, anti-biotic, reduces carcinogenic effect of burnt meats, promote apoptosis, regulate blood sugar
Cayenne Pepper- Can be used topically for pain relief from arthritis, shingles, neuralgia and pleurisy (check out Dr Christopher's Cayenne Ointment). Reduces platelet aggravation (the formation of heart disease), decreases blood pressure and promotes sweating, improves digestion and circulation. Caution when using the cream start with a small amount as it can be hot until your body adjusts to the ointment.
Sage- Anti-inflammatory, stimulates the immune system, stimulates the adrenals, relieves stress, anti-cancer
Mustard Seeds- Stimulate circulation, treats bronchitis, relieves inflammation especially in joints.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Breast Cancer Prevention
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer in women, yet lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women. Many people attribute cancers, particularly breast cancer, to hereditary causes. However, this is a very common and HUGE misconception. Heredity/genetics actually plays less than a 10% role in causes of cancer, whereas lifestyle and environment play a whopping 90%. Often, if we live and eat according to our ancestors who have been overcome with not only cancer but any chronic illness, we are as likely as them to acquire similar pathologies.
In Chinese Medicine, cancer is a form of excess; it is an uncontrolled, abnormal growth of cells that can be triggered by many different variables such as environmental toxins, polluted water, emotional imbalances, poor diet, birth control, pseudoestrogens (as is used in hormone replacement therapy), microwaves, heating plastic in microwaves, drinking from plastic water bottles/containers, inability to let go of past events, not knowing one's purpose in life, alcohol, cigarette smoking, poor sleep and staying up too late, to name a few. generally, a healthy immune system can fight off exposure to such circumstances, yet if one is exposed to many of these, especially over a long period of time, one's risk of cancer significantly increases.
This information is not being shared in an effort to put fear into the readers, our government, news teams, and cinema's do a good enough job of that already. This information is being given to you in an effort to spread the knowledge of how to prevent this disease and how to fight it off if one is overcome with cancer. There are cures for cancer, there are cures for almost all diseases, it starts with education and the power of belief. Cancer has been healed for centuries using diet alone. The American Cancer Society and Oncologists put fear into us about there being no cure for cancer and it being a deadly, hopeless disease. This is completely wrong and misleading. The worst thing you can do to a cancer patient is disempower them. Cancer is a calling for one to rise up and seek their true meaning and purpose in life. But you will never hear those words coming from a medical doctor because they are not taught that and if you choose to seek out non-western medical treatment they lose money.
Western medicine is great at treating many acute, emergency situations such as stitches, emergency surgeries, wounds, heart attack etc. Western medicine is very, very poor at treating chronic diseases. Cancer, crohn's, arthritis, IBS, high cholesterol, depression, insomnia, muscle/joint injuries, Lyme's disease, parasites, thyroid imbalances, psoriasis, etc. all chronic illnesses, chronic being the symptoms have been present for over two weeks, such incidences should not be handled by a western physician. These illnesses are very often healed by Naturopaths, Chinese medical doctors and body workers.
In Chinese medicine, breast cancer is seen as a disturbance between the pericardium (heart protector) and the liver. Most cancers involve a malfunction in the liver as it is our main detoxifying organ. It is also in charge of circulating the blood, a healthy liver allows one to plan, endure and have a vision it also allows us to keep growing and moving forward in life. Depression, a main cause of cancer in the eyes of Chinese medicine, is almost always caused by a sluggish liver. The pericardium protects the emperor/ess (heart), in a healthy state, it puts up clear boundaries and brings joy forth to the heart. Toxic emotions, lifestyles and diets all increase the risk of harming such organs ultimately increasing one's risk of disease.
Here are some simple ways on how to prevent/heal Breast cancer:
1) Go to sleep before 11pm and wake between 5-7am (the earlier to bed the better)
2) Find something healthy that brings you great joy and make a habit interact with it on a daily basis
3) Eat a healthy diet consisting of lots of vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables-->broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage
4) Decrease the amount of animal fat intake such as dairy, cheese, beef, chicken, eggs; if you eat such foods, it is healthy to do so in moderation 2-3 times per week when doing so, purchasing organic meat, dairy and eggs is extremely important. Chicken and beef are very poor choices, especially conventional brands as they tend to be fed diets high in fat, antibiotics, growth hormone and sorry to say but they are almost always fed in overcrowded lots where they sleep, eat and drink in each other's feces. What the animals are fed and what is injected into them gets transferred to us when we put it into our mouth's. The hormones and diets that these animals eat have been specifically linked to increases in cancer, particularly breast cancer and many other diseases as well.
5) Supplement with 1 tbs of Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil daily (store in fridge to keep fresh)
6) Take 1-3 tbs or gel caps of organic flax seed oil per day (store in fridge to keep fresh)
7) Find healthy ways to balance your emotions (yoga, qi gong, walking, art, music)
8) Stay off of synthetic hormones such as birth control and HRT (hormone replacement therapy). There are many, many other healthier, safer ways, especially with HRT!
9) Stop drinking alcohol. Drinking as little as 3 drinks per week significantly increases ones risk for breast cancer
10) No bras with underwire! Wearing bras with wiring blocks the flow of lymph and can block/clog the flow of lymph in the breast causing tumors to form.
11) Seek out your life purpose
12) No underarm deodorant. There are some organic brands that sell underarm deodorant made with natural ingredients, yet almost all, if not all synthetic brands of underarm deodorant contain aluminum which has been found to cause breast cancer.
13) Perform regular self-breast exams. These are best preformed a few days after your last menstrual cycle. If you palpate up to a couple weeks before menstruating, the breasts could be slightly more lumpy than usual.
14) The coffee culprit. I encourage quitting cold turkey. Coffee intake greatly increases one's risk of breast cancer. Seriously, stopping or greatly reducing can save your life.
15) Go to Thailand. Thailand has the lowest instance of breast cancer in the entire world. Maybe it's because the eat so many fresh vegetables and turmeric. I doubt they wear secret underarm deodorant and they're probably a lot more mobile than us American folk. Props to Thailand.
In Chinese Medicine, cancer is a form of excess; it is an uncontrolled, abnormal growth of cells that can be triggered by many different variables such as environmental toxins, polluted water, emotional imbalances, poor diet, birth control, pseudoestrogens (as is used in hormone replacement therapy), microwaves, heating plastic in microwaves, drinking from plastic water bottles/containers, inability to let go of past events, not knowing one's purpose in life, alcohol, cigarette smoking, poor sleep and staying up too late, to name a few. generally, a healthy immune system can fight off exposure to such circumstances, yet if one is exposed to many of these, especially over a long period of time, one's risk of cancer significantly increases.
This information is not being shared in an effort to put fear into the readers, our government, news teams, and cinema's do a good enough job of that already. This information is being given to you in an effort to spread the knowledge of how to prevent this disease and how to fight it off if one is overcome with cancer. There are cures for cancer, there are cures for almost all diseases, it starts with education and the power of belief. Cancer has been healed for centuries using diet alone. The American Cancer Society and Oncologists put fear into us about there being no cure for cancer and it being a deadly, hopeless disease. This is completely wrong and misleading. The worst thing you can do to a cancer patient is disempower them. Cancer is a calling for one to rise up and seek their true meaning and purpose in life. But you will never hear those words coming from a medical doctor because they are not taught that and if you choose to seek out non-western medical treatment they lose money.
Western medicine is great at treating many acute, emergency situations such as stitches, emergency surgeries, wounds, heart attack etc. Western medicine is very, very poor at treating chronic diseases. Cancer, crohn's, arthritis, IBS, high cholesterol, depression, insomnia, muscle/joint injuries, Lyme's disease, parasites, thyroid imbalances, psoriasis, etc. all chronic illnesses, chronic being the symptoms have been present for over two weeks, such incidences should not be handled by a western physician. These illnesses are very often healed by Naturopaths, Chinese medical doctors and body workers.
In Chinese medicine, breast cancer is seen as a disturbance between the pericardium (heart protector) and the liver. Most cancers involve a malfunction in the liver as it is our main detoxifying organ. It is also in charge of circulating the blood, a healthy liver allows one to plan, endure and have a vision it also allows us to keep growing and moving forward in life. Depression, a main cause of cancer in the eyes of Chinese medicine, is almost always caused by a sluggish liver. The pericardium protects the emperor/ess (heart), in a healthy state, it puts up clear boundaries and brings joy forth to the heart. Toxic emotions, lifestyles and diets all increase the risk of harming such organs ultimately increasing one's risk of disease.
Here are some simple ways on how to prevent/heal Breast cancer:
1) Go to sleep before 11pm and wake between 5-7am (the earlier to bed the better)
2) Find something healthy that brings you great joy and make a habit interact with it on a daily basis
3) Eat a healthy diet consisting of lots of vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables-->broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage
4) Decrease the amount of animal fat intake such as dairy, cheese, beef, chicken, eggs; if you eat such foods, it is healthy to do so in moderation 2-3 times per week when doing so, purchasing organic meat, dairy and eggs is extremely important. Chicken and beef are very poor choices, especially conventional brands as they tend to be fed diets high in fat, antibiotics, growth hormone and sorry to say but they are almost always fed in overcrowded lots where they sleep, eat and drink in each other's feces. What the animals are fed and what is injected into them gets transferred to us when we put it into our mouth's. The hormones and diets that these animals eat have been specifically linked to increases in cancer, particularly breast cancer and many other diseases as well.
5) Supplement with 1 tbs of Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil daily (store in fridge to keep fresh)
6) Take 1-3 tbs or gel caps of organic flax seed oil per day (store in fridge to keep fresh)
7) Find healthy ways to balance your emotions (yoga, qi gong, walking, art, music)
8) Stay off of synthetic hormones such as birth control and HRT (hormone replacement therapy). There are many, many other healthier, safer ways, especially with HRT!
9) Stop drinking alcohol. Drinking as little as 3 drinks per week significantly increases ones risk for breast cancer
10) No bras with underwire! Wearing bras with wiring blocks the flow of lymph and can block/clog the flow of lymph in the breast causing tumors to form.
11) Seek out your life purpose
12) No underarm deodorant. There are some organic brands that sell underarm deodorant made with natural ingredients, yet almost all, if not all synthetic brands of underarm deodorant contain aluminum which has been found to cause breast cancer.
13) Perform regular self-breast exams. These are best preformed a few days after your last menstrual cycle. If you palpate up to a couple weeks before menstruating, the breasts could be slightly more lumpy than usual.
14) The coffee culprit. I encourage quitting cold turkey. Coffee intake greatly increases one's risk of breast cancer. Seriously, stopping or greatly reducing can save your life.
15) Go to Thailand. Thailand has the lowest instance of breast cancer in the entire world. Maybe it's because the eat so many fresh vegetables and turmeric. I doubt they wear secret underarm deodorant and they're probably a lot more mobile than us American folk. Props to Thailand.
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