Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Anti-Cancer Grocery List

I received a couple requests for an anit-cancer grocery list. Please keep in mind that it is always a wise and healthy choice to buy local, organic foods when possible. Such choices can make all the difference. This list is a continual evolution of my research and experiences. Please continue to check in with me if you're interested in updated versions. Here are my latest findings:

Brown Rice, Quinoa, Amaranth, Gluten Free Oats, Millet, Corn Meal, Wild Rice, Brown Rice Crackers, Gluten Free Crackers
-Buy 2 grains plus one cracker if desired per week and use throughout the week
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Sesame Oil, Ghee
-Olive oil is great for stir-frying and sauteing at medium temperatures and is great as a salad dressing with herbs; Coconut oil is best for baking and cooking at high temperatures; sesame oil is great for cooking at low temperatures, adds flavor to Asian cusine when added at the end of cooking or for raw foods; Ghee is excellent for cooking at medium to high temps and there has been excellent research on its cancer preventitive properties
 Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Leafy Greens: Kale, Collards, Swiss Chard, Spinach, arugula, Carrot, Beets, Onions, Leeks, Shallots, Chive, Asparagus, Celery, Turnips, Parsnips, Yam: Garnet or Japanese, Potato:Red, Purple or Yukon
-Buy at least 7 different veggies per week and eat throughout the week; pureed asparagus eaten between meals is great for those with cancer
Shiitake, Miatake, Cremini, Portobello, Chantrelle, Enokidake, Oyster
-Shiitake and portobello tend to be the most readily available in stores; if you have a choice between the two, shiitake have the higher cancer fighting and antioxidant properties
Tomato, Berries: Raspberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Boysenberries; Lemon, Cherries, Apricot, Pomegranate
-Best eaten at the end of meals as a dessert. When choosing, buy fresh versus dried. Fruit intake should not outweigh vegetable intake. Berries and fruits are great for breakfast in smoothies as well.
Peas, Lentils, Mung Beans, Kidney Beans, Black Beans, Pinto Beans, Garbanzo Beans, Adzuki Beans
-Buy one bean per week and eat throughout the week; 1 Cup should last one person 2-3 days. Great source of fiber and great source of plant protein
Ginger, Turmeric, Garlic, Basil, Rosemary, Thyme, Mint, Sage, Cilantro, Parsley
-Ginger and turmeric have excellent anti-inflammatory properties; add to stir-fry's throughout the week, bean dishes, and soups; add fresh basil, thyme, sage, parsley to salads, garnishes to dishes, soups or add into eggs.
Sea Salt, Miso, Seaweed, Rice Bread, Other Gluten Free Bread, Almond Butter, Agave, Honey, Maple Syrup, Wheat Free Soy Sauce, Hemp Milk, Rice Milk, Almond Milk
-Miso reduces breast cancer risk by 50% buy 1 jar in fridge section should last at least a month, seaweed is very detoxifying; gluten free breads are great for breakfast with almond butter and fruit, sandwiches topped with tomatoes, veggies and free-range turkey; alternative milks great in smoothies
Raw/Organic Sheep or Goat Cheese 1-2xper week, Products made from gluten such as wheat, spelt, rye; Chocolate
-Chocolate has mild antioxidant effects, great snack when eaten in moderation (less than 1x per week)
Milk, Cream, Sugar, GMO soy, non-organic soy, non-organic corn, Cows milk including cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese etc; Alcohol, Corn Syrup, high fructose corn syrup, Fruit+Sugar (desserts with fruit + sugar on top);agave, *honey and maple syrup do not count as sugar
-These foods tend to be pro-inflammatory and can increase one's risk of many diseases; honey, agave, maple sugar are all healthy choices in moderation
Suggested Supplements:
New Chapter Miatake Mushroom Extract, Flaxseed Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Vitamin D3, Astragalus
-All have anti-cancer properties and have the effects of boosting the immune system

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