A return to the basics is needed. The complexities that surround our lifestyles, particularly our eating habits, is so vast and complex that there are very few people who actually know what foods are truly the healthiest to consume. With new diet fads every month, deceitful and misleading advertising methods and countless choices of food availability, it's no wonder people are confused. And, one should not blame themselves for not knowing which way leads to the yellow brick road. The system is set up to make our minds spin. Add in the stressful, fast paced lifestyles that most of us lead and Starbucks coffee with a bagel and fruit doesn't sound too bad. Or does it? This blog is to inform you on how to make healthier choices, how to lead healthier lives and how to maintain stress in healthy ways in an effort to prevent illness and to lead happier lives for ourselves, our children and mother earth.
There are very few people in our society who have a true understanding of what a healthy diet and lifestyle consists of. I have been experimenting, researching and learning about the properties of food and diet for over 1o years. I have a bachelors in nutrition and am currently involved in a four year masters program studying Oriental Medicine where the curriculum focuses on acupuncture, diet, herbs, massage, qi gong, meditation, emotional healing and sacred chanting. I welcome any and all questions in regards to such material to this site. Thank you for hearing me and for taking the initiative on how to take care of your body, mind, spirit and soul.
"The food of the heart is love. The heart needs continual nourishment if it is to be healthy. If we limit ourselves to worldly, materialistic satisfactions, we will deprive ourselves of real nourishment, satisfaction, and peace".
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