Type II diabetes can be reduced with exercise and dietary modifications. In regards to diet, one should limit intake of fatty and greasy foods as these will tend to cause stagnation in the liver and digestive organs. They will also increase stagnation of the emotions, most specifically anger and irritability. White flour, sugar, eating late at night and overeating should all be avoided in an effort to reverse the disease. Also, one should be very mindful to chew food thoroughly to assist in the digestion process before food enters the gut. It is also important for one with type II diabetes to eat 3 solid meals per day and avoid snacking as much as possible. When one is continuously eating and snacking throughout the day, the spleen/pancreas is constantly working to balance sugars. By eating 3 meals with minimal snacking, the body's internal network can achieve homeostatic balance much more efficiently.
In terms of exercise, one should seek exercise that is not overly strenuous yet promotes light to moderate sweating. It is important to seek exercise modalities that help to balance both the mind and body simultaneously. Appropriate forms of exercise include mindful hiking and walking, yoga and qi gong; swimming and biking may also be appropriate in moderation or when combined with the above exercises.
Healthy Foods for Type II Diabetes
- Cashews (1-2 handfuls per day)
- Oat Bran
- Flaxseeds and Flax oil: grind up flaxseeds and sprinkle on oatmeal, smoothies, foods throughout the day
- Cinnamon: a natural blood stabilizer, sprinkle on oats, smoothies or apples
- Millet, rice, oats, oat bran, mung bean, garbanzo bean and other legumes such as lentils, black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, hummus
- Vegetables include: Radish, carrot, artichoke, turnips, asparagus, yam, spinach, cooked green leafy veggies
- Fruits include: Pear, lemon, grapefruit, coconut, coconut oil and coconut milk as well, blueberry
- Chlorophyll rich foods also help to balance blood sugars: wheat or barley grass, spirulina, chlorophyll (you can buy liquid extracts of spirulina or chlorophyll and take as directed on bottle or medical professional).
- Fish oil and Wild Sockeye salmon, wild salmon, clam are also good for balancing blood sugar
- Greasy, fatty foods such as butter, cream, cow dairy, (goat dairy cheese in moderation), fatty meats and fried foods
- Baked goods such as cookies, pies and sweets
- Cold foods such as ice cold drinks and ice cream
- Fruits should be eaten in moderation, especially those high in sugar such as banana's, dried fruits, candied fruits and canned fruits in syrup
- Decrease intake of wheat and flour products