Monday, January 17, 2011

What's to come in 2011...

On the Chinese calendar, 2011 is a yang metal year. In western terms, this translates to the year of the large intestine. If any of you out there are still struggling for a solid New Year's resolution, or have already forgotten what your initial resolution was, it is always wise to live in accordance with the Universe and this year that means letting go of what no longer serves you.

In Chinese medicine, the body has numerous signs and symbols that correspond to it. The ability to distinguish and recognize the signs and symbols of the body and the "personalities" of the organ networks is one of the main diagnostic methods of a true Chinese medical practitioner. Each individual contains within themselves characteristics of each of the organ networks, however, there is almost always a dominant personality that points in the direction of a specific organ. For example, someone who is motherly, always cooking, cleaning, taking care of people, nourishing people, never gets credit for their hard work, keeps the home functional, this is thought of as a spleen personality. Now, let's take a closer look at the large intestine...

The nature of the large intestine is to be clean and clear, it wants to move the filth out.  It is also the organ of execution, it carries out the orders given by the gall bladder and makes sure that things happen in the outter world. Yet, we must be aware of the imbalances that the large intestine is prone to as such imbalances are more apt to show themselves in its representative year. These are the things we must pay attention to in 2011 and if you find yourself carrying out these actions, you are prone to illnesses of the large intestine.

Hexagram 34 of the I Ching represents the large intestine and it means Da Zhuang which translates as "great power". The large intestine is a violent organ and can be the most dangerous organ as no disease will kill you faster than one of the large intestine. We have witnessed this already in the beginning of the year with the political violence and horrific massacre in Tucson, AZ and with the explosive riots in Tunisia. Such violence is symbolic of a disharmony in the large intestine network; it represents the dominant, egotistical, selfish individual who thinks they are better than everyone else. This is a classic large intestine imbalance and individuals who cannot let go of things, feelings, emotions, the past, negative patterns, addictions will be prone to disease and to act out violently in the year 2011.

On the positive side...the large intestine is about transformation. Now is the time to let go of emotional burdens, now is the time to transform feelings of craving more, bigger, better, faster, stronger, sexual impatience, too sudden, too intense and to let go of these patterns that do not serve our highest good. It is time to be clear about what you need in life to fulfill your destiny and to make significant headway in working towards these goals. 2011 is the year of the rabbit, the representative animal of the large intestine. The rabbit is an opportunist, just like the sun that finds a tiny moment to shine through the clouds into existence, 2011 is the year to start bringing your destiny, your path into fruition. It is not always easy to let go of old patterns and emotional burdens that often get stuffed so deep inside of us that we don't even know they exist. Yet, it is necessary to start healing these places to gain optimum health and to live in accordance with why you were birthed into this Universe. We all entered and have accumulated pain and suffering along the way but that is part of our healing here on earth and there's no better place to start letting go of our "burdens" than 2011, the year of the large intestine.

Ways to start your process of letting go
  • Journal! Start writing, write about your emotions, your past, your burdens. This is an extremely healing exercise that should be done on a daily basis. Keep the journal by your bed and write in the morning before you rise or at night. 
  • When emotional pain comes up for you do not ignore these feelings. Sit with them and breathe into them, breathe into the place in your body where you feel it the most. Let your emotions come up naturally, allow yourself to cry, to be angry by doing so you will be facilitate your own healing by moving these emotions through you
  • Talk to someone about your feelings. This can be a psychotherapist, a pet, a close friend. Talk with someone who will hear you and be supportive of what you've been through and what you're going through. 
  • Prayer. Connecting with spirit can be very powerful and healing, experiment with what works for you and start a routine practice.
  • Laugh and sing. Two things that don't get encouraged enough in our society. Find simple things that bring you joy and laughter. One of my teachers once said that when we laugh and when we sing it is like prayers to the Great Spirit.
*I am required to advise you too seek professional help if your healing process gets too intense or overwhelming. And, you should seek a medical professional before starting any program.