The American Cancer Society and it's conventional medical partners really aren't doing anything productive with our money. As Dr Andrew Saul simply states, "good health makes a lot of sense, but it doesn't make a lot of money". If every man, woman, child (and animal) were granted the resources to eat an abundance of fresh organic fruits and vegetables and very little, if any, processed foods or genetically modified foods, there would be an "epidemic of health" and large corporations like the American Cancer Society would be out of a very lofty and lucrative business.
The truth is that research doesn't need to be done on conventional cancer treatment, we know that it's limited to surgery, drugs and radiation. We also know that these treatments are brutal acts against the patient, they deplete energy reserves, weaken the immune system, kill both "good" and "bad" cells etc. We also know that there are safer, more effective ways to fight cancer. The research performed on the effects of drinking fresh vegetable juices to help detoxify the body and treat cancer are incalculable. Thousands to millions of people have cured diseases, including cancer by abiding to a diet of fresh organic vegetable juices, organic fruits and vegetables, various herbal supplements and organic whole grains. The problem that the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical industry have with this is simple- they can't make a dime on it.
The idea of this sort of old fashioned, prosaic model of healing is that it's not appealing to our modern day society. We tend to think that technology, machines and more expensive treatments are cutting edge and cream of the crop treatments. Truth is, the simpler you live, the healthier you are. The less material items you own, the more money you can spend on fresh organic produce. The less stress you have, the more emotional freedom you have etc. Next time you see organizations collecting money and donations for the pink ribbon foundation, I encourage you to think where that money is really going.
If you do have cancer or you did and have undergone conventional medical treatment or if you in fact choose to choose this treatment method, this article is not intended as a "shame on you" article. It is simply to give you more options on how to prevent re-occurrence, use nutrition and herbs as a conjunct if appealing to you and to educate society on the statistics on how and what our money is truly spent on. We are free to make our own decisions and should not be scolded for one way or the other, only educated on how to choose the path best for us.
Ways to reduce risk of cancer, combat cancer and prevent re-occurrence:
- Drink fresh organic vegetable juices each day (more so if you have cancer or are in remission). Carrot, apple, ginger, greens (kale, spinach, chard), orange. For more details on how to go about this please research The Gerson Therapy:
- Watch the documentary "A Beautiful Truth"
- Take Flax seed Oil (store in the fridge and buy small quantities at a time)
- Avoid dairy or at the very least milk especially milk with rBGH in it which is an artificial hormone that has been linked to breast cancer. If it's not organic and if it doesn't state "rBGH free" on the label, then it probably contains it
- Eat miso soup and seaweed. Remove the miso from the plastic container when you buy it and transfer into a glass jar. Store in the fridge, will store well. Try to eat seaweeds from the coast of Maine, if you can't find these look for one's from the Pacific. Avoid seaweeds from Japan and other areas.
- Eat a handful of organic goji berries per day
- Resolve your stress
- Meditate
- Do qi gong (qi gong has the best results on well being and mental stability in cancer patients than any other modality. Many cancer patients have done very well with this practice).
- Resolve or forgive anybody in your life who you are holding feelings of blame, grief, worry, anger, disdain, judgment, resentment, or hate against. These tend to be with family members or the people who we're closest to. These emotions have a very powerful influence on disease and resolving disease.
- Decrease meat consumption, increase consumption of organic fruits and vegetables and organic whole grains
- Eat a gluten free or mostly gluten free diet
- Females, reduce the time per day that you spend wearing a bra
- Maintain a journal. Express emotions, feelings, thoughts anything in a journal. This has very profound healing effects.
*I am required to state that this article is not intended to cure or treat any disease. Please seek the advice of a professional medical doctor before you begin any new health related program. You could be at risk of gaining optimum health.